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The application process at Peak Ace

Our application process is structured and designed to ensure that we give the candidate (and potential future Peak Acer) the best possible insight into our day-to-day operations. It also ensures that we can get the best impression from them. Efficient and transparent communication is also very important to us, so our process is structured to ensure that candidates can always expect quick feedback.

Our application process involves the following steps:

  • An initial telephone call with the recruiter responsible for the position
  • A zoom meeting with the hiring manager and potential future colleagues
  • A case study including an office visit to give the applicant an idea of the kind of tasks they could be responsible for in the future and their potential new workplace.

The preliminary telephone interview

The main purpose of the first interview between the applicant and the recruiter is for them to get to know each other and to answer any initial questions.

The telephone call usually lasts no longer than 30 minutes and begins with a brief introduction to the company. Applicants then introduce themselves and, by the end of the conversation, they should have both got a good first impression of the company and each other to determine whether the position and the applicant are a good match.

Once all questions have been answered, we go over the next steps. If both sides feel that the interview went well and the hiring manager is convinced that the candidate could be a good fit, they invite the candidate for a Zoom meeting shortly afterwards.

The Zoom meeting

In principle, the Zoom meeting is similar to the preliminary telephone interview. The main difference is that the team lead and their team take part alongside the hiring manager. The Zoom meeting takes place within an hour, in which time everyone has the opportunity to get to know each other. The aim of the Zoom meeting is to check the so-called team fit and explain the role in more detail.

First, there’s a round of introductions and time for a professional and personal exchange. In case all outstanding and relevant questions aren’t answered in the first half, the second half of the interview is reserved for questions.

Provided that there are no more questions and that the team has got a feel for the person applying, we move on to explaining the next steps. This is to ensure transparency on both sides. If the meeting is goes well, we organise two further appointments to go over the case study and give the applicant an office tour.

The Case Study

The Case Study consists of several steps:

  • Intro | Explanation of the tasks
  • Outro
    > Office Tour
    > Evaluation of the completed tasks
    > Getting to know the future team

Intro | Explanation of the tasks

The intro takes place via zoom and usually takes no more than 15 minutes. It ensures that we can answer any questions that the applicant might have before they begin their tasks. There are about five working days between the intro and the outro, and they can use as much time as they need in this period. However our tasks are designed so that they should take no more than 4 hours to complete.

As soon as the tasks have been completed, the applicants send them back to us – ideally at least one day before the outro. This way we can be sure to have a first look at the results of the work, which will help us to prepare better to go over them at the next appointment.

Outro: Office tour, joint lunch and evaluation of the tasks

The outro then takes place – if possible – at our office.

We start this last part of our application process with a tour through our office, allowing the candidate to see their potential future workplace.

Afterwards, the candidates get to know the future team. This takes place either over lunch or a drink. The focus here is on whether the applicant and the team members get on and understand each other on a more personal level.

After getting to know the team, we go through the tasks. First, applicants present the results of their work. Then we discuss it together and give feedback. The evaluation of the case study is intended to provide an opportunity to discuss what the team thought of the tasks and what they might have done the same way or differently.

As in the other steps of the process, the outro is followed by an explanation of how to proceed and when to expect feedback. If the processing of the case study, the interview and the team fit were found to be good, we will make an offer.

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    Emily Wilson

    is a Senior Marketing and Communications Manager at Peak Ace. She joined the company in 2021 and works in the Berlin office. When she isn’t writing for our blog, Emily enjoys travelling, writing, and working on craft projects.