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Peak Ace on Air Ep #30: January Organic Search Update

Welcome to another freshly squeezed recap of Peak Ace on Air. This is a recap within a recap, as this week’s episode took us through everything that happened in January in the world of organic search.

But, before we get to that, we’d like to divert your attention to Bastian and Domi’s upcoming speaking engagements. Bastian will take the virtual stage at the SEO Day Denmark on February 4th, which by the time you read this, has actually most likely already taken place. Ah. Sorry about that. Let’s hope a future episode sees Bastian take us through some of the points covered in the session!

Domi will be speaking at the Digital PR Summit hosted by Digitaloft on February 11th, sharing her knowledge about successful international content. If this is a topic interesting and relevant to you, make sure to register now – it’s free and the rest of the lineup is just as great as Domi! And if you wonder, “Where have I heard the name ‘Digitaloft’ before?”, it was in our last episode, where Digitaloft’s founder James joined us as a guest.

Content Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide For 2021 from

All right, that’s enough about the future, let’s get into the past.

Domi found a content marketing guide from, which while it mostly covered the basics (e.g. “what is content marketing?” and “why is content marketing useful?”), it contained some interesting points. The guide presented three common objections to content marketing, which are very useful to have in mind for when you next need to “sell” content marketing to a client or your boss:

  1. Paid advertising attracts more traffic and customers faster
  2. It takes too long to see results
  3. Hard to measure the ROI

All of these points are true in a sense, as content marketing is a long-term endeavour, where results come more slowly. Content marketing also often works for the awareness stages in the buyer’s journey / sales funnel, where one can’t necessarily expect the same kinds of results as with paid advertising.

The guide also presented some examples of great content marketing campaigns to learn from, like Mattel’s content hub for kids and parents.

Jealousy List 2020 from Neomam

These content campaign examples lead us nicely to the next topic, which was UK content marketing agency Neomam’s jealousy list. What’s a jealousy list? It’s a list of the content marketing campaigns that Neomam wish it had done. Their picks are a great source of inspiration, including: world’s busiest subway systems, secondhand clothing, gardenless gardens, TV shows, Zoom backgrounds, light pollutions, gaming revenue history… Even if you’re not UK-based, it’s well worth checking out.

Find And Fix Index Coverage Errors in Google Search Console from ContentKing

We talked about the new Google Index Coverage Data Improvements in our December recap episode, so we won’t bring them up again here. However, ContentKing created a guide to them to help you stay on top of the recent updates and to give them some context.

Bastian’s workshop at the SMX Munich

Now, a short commercial break: SMX Munich will take place on the 15-16 March, and Bastian is hosting two advanced technical SEO workshops. Registration is still open, so if you want to deepen your knowledge about indexing, crawling, speed and migration, this workshop is for you!

Recommendations for website quality monitoring tools

Bastian has taken to Twitter to ask for recommendations for website quality monitoring tools to get an overview of what’s out there, which has led to a handy crowdsourced list of tools. Take a look at people’s answers for inspiration and submit your own suggestion!

A Technical SEO Guide for Lighthouse SEO Performance Metrics

SearchEngine Journal had created a very thorough guide to measuring and testing website performance with Lighthouse. It explains what Lighthouse is, what metrics belong to its scoring system and how to improve those metrics, among other things.

2021 Guide for Digital Marketers: Recommendations From Top Experts by

As those who are following us on Twitter might have seen, digital agency asked Bastian and a bunch of experts for their predictions and advice about digital marketing in 2021. Sadly, one of the contributors, Hamlet Batista, died due to complications related to COVID last week. Our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones.

Peak Ace: 2020 in review

The last point goes out to our Communications team, who published Peak Ace’s review of 2020 a few days ago. Peak Ace on Air got its own section (and rightfully so), with choice screenshots of Bastian and Domi having a lot of fun recording an episode. Even if they’re not the most flattering photos, they definitely show that our hosts love what they do!

Speaking of Peak Ace on Air, March will mark our 1-year anniversary! Time flies when you’re having fun. But not fast enough that we’ve not escaped the pandemic.

But before we get to the birthday celebrations: we’re going to have a bunch of great episodes, from iOS updates (next week) to B2B Marketing, and more fabulous guests. So: until next week!

Emily Wilson

is a Marketing and Communications Manager at Peak Ace. She joined the company in 2021 and works in the Berlin office. When she isn’t writing for our blog, Emily enjoys travelling, writing, and working on craft projects.